2024年5月20日,美国耶鲁大学举办了第323届毕业典礼,即将于今年6月卸任的耶鲁大学校长苏必德(Peter Salovey)主持了他作为校长的最后一次毕业典礼。
苏必德校长还在前一天(美东时间5月19日)发表了他作为耶鲁大学领导者致耶鲁本科学院毕业生的最后一场毕业演讲——”爱与慈悯(Love and Compassion)”。
Baccalaureate Address, Yale College Class of 2024
Love and Compassion
Graduates of the Class of 2024, family members, and friends: It gives me great pleasure to greet you today and to offer a few words on this celebratory occasion.
But first, there is a wonderful Yale tradition that I’d like to honor right now:
And now, may I ask the Class of 2024 to consider all those who have supported your arrival at this milestone, and to please rise and recognize them?
I remember well the pomp and pageantry of my commencement weekend. And I share in the many emotions you are likely feeling right now after being part of this community for several years, and as you consider how your roles will soon change from students to alumni – and mine from president to faculty member.
Like the Class of 2024, I graduated as my university president was completing his service. Unlike the Class of 2024, my first years in college had not been disrupted by a pandemic. Presumably like you, I wondered what message the president would impart for his final words. Of course, as I thought about what to say here today, I considered this same question. What came to mind was how each of us had different journeys to arrive at this day. Here is mine: Like many immigrants, my father’s parents were poor, poor in means but rich in culture and spirit. They came to the United States by way of Warsaw and Jerusalem – and later met each other on a ship crossing the Atlantic, between their worlds, old and new.
When my grandfather arrived in New York, he not only had a new country but a new name. No longer Yitzchak Leib Soloveitchik, in America he became Louis Salovey. He changed his family name in an effort to fit into his new surroundings, but he made sure to retain four letters – l-o-v-e – “love,” which I like to think of as a tribute to the family he left behind and a foundation for the one he would build.
Love and compassion were creeds by which he lived. It was about these virtues that I spoke with you four years ago as you entered Yale – and now, here today, that I want to emphasize as you prepare to depart it.
One of the earliest, if not most striking, demonstrations of compassion I recall took place soon after my seventh birthday, when a rabbi and a reverend marched together toward justice alongside other faith leaders. Cradling a Torah in his arms – and humanity in his heart – Rabbi Everett Gendler joined the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through the streets of Selma, Alabama on what became known as “Turnaround Tuesday” in March 1965. One of Rabbi Gendler’s greatest contributions was involving American Jews in the civil rights movement. And many, including my parents, heeded that call.
As Rabbi Gendler noted at the time, “The effects of love, thought the ancients, were not simply personal, but social as well.” “Love may not be all we need,” he added, “but neither is it entirely beside the point.” Dr. King echoed these sentiments while speaking to Rabbi Gendler in what would be his final public interview in 1968. “We need a movement now to transmute rage,” he said, “into a positive, constructive force.” Those words resonate today. They remind us that we need to reject hate and rage – and instead find our common love for life, for community, and for peace.
Now, to be sure, the challenges before us – climate change, racial injustice, armed conflict, and extremism, to name only a few – stoke the indignation of any individual of conscience. And across this country, we’ve seen rising antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of bigotry. Without anger, we would be reconciled to accept the unacceptable, to tolerate the intolerable, and thereby consign ourselves to a status quo in need of repair. Without anger, we would be bereft of the fuel necessary to fight against prejudice and violence around the globe.
For our part, as we face complex challenges that call out for concerted action, we would do well to heed his example, which requires us to inhibit our desire to dismiss those with whom we believe we cannot develop common purpose.
It is not enough to retreat into silos alongside those who are already inclined to agree with us. Nor is it effective to ostracize, call out, shame, or silence well-meaning others who do not.
Progress depends on our willingness to work together to solve common problems: to extend love and grace, compassion and cooperation, with one another, and, through these means, to build consensus.
By bridging differences – by daring to choose love and compassion over rage and hate – we can bring about the meaningful, sustainable change needed in society.
We can bring the world you will soon enter a little closer to the one we desire.
Let’s get started together. Let’s get started today.
And for me personally: At moments like this, speakers of Hebrew (my grandfather’s native language) don’t like to say “good-bye” but, rather, L’heit ra-oat; until we meet again.
Congratulations, Class of 2024.